Premiere of “Lord of Fukushima” [Fukushima No Daimyo] (2015, 20min, b&w, IT/JP language, English subtitles) with an introduction in English by its director Alessandro Tesei
This poignant documentary follows Masami Yoshizawa, a lone, defiant and determined farmer who in 2011 refused to leave the forbidden exclusion zone set up around the Fukushima nuclear power plant (Japan) after its devastating meltdown caused by a massive earthquake and tsunami. His self-proclaimed mission: to save the abandoned animals of the zone, on his renamed Hope Farm.
Italian filmmaker Alessandro Tesei presents the case of the government’s mandatory evacuation versus an individual’s freedom and perceived right to remain. Mr. Yoshizawa and his animals may provide an important future case study on the effects of radiation on humans and animals. But at what cost?
This screening will be introduced by its director who will talk about the challenges of filming under such challenging conditions, and the nuclear energy issues that affect us all.
The event is organized in collaboration with Cinema Heritage Group